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Monthly Archives: July 2017

    ‘Caribbean Life’ St. Croix: What Happened to the Houses?

    By Kerri Hanley | July 20, 2017

    On Sunday, July 16, 2017, Home and Garden Television (HGTV) premiered a Caribbean Life episode filmed on St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands.  Episode 904 (season nine, episode 4) showcased the search for a perfect island family home, led by Real Estate Agent Kerri Hanley.  Filming took place in December 2016. In in order they appeared: “Palm Tree... Read More

    Jumping the Pier Starts the Summer for St. Croix Students

    By Kerri Hanley | July 17, 2017

    Every place has their own graduation celebrations… the quintessential one people picture is throwing the square academic caps you wear with traditional graduation gowns.  But on St. Croix, you celebrate the last day of school by “jumping the pier.”  That is, the cruise ship pier in Frederiksted. As long as no cruise ships are in-port,... Read More

    A Conversation with St. Croix’s B Sweet Honey Man, Stephen Charles

    By Kerri Hanley | July 2, 2017

      Q: How did you get started handling bees? A (Stephen Charles): I spent 22 years in the military [Air Guard, from which he has retired].  I got my start with bees then, because there was a massive hive under a shipping container in the yard [the hive was approximately five feet long and two... Read More

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