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A Fun Fact About St. Croix

St. Croix Greetings!

Whether you live on St. Croix or are visiting, you will find not only the most interesting people but also the friendliest.

A little fun fact for newcomers. While here, always, give a warm Crucian greeting! It is tradition to always say, “Good morning, good afternoon or good night” – depending on the time of day of course.

When walking into a store, you are greeted with, “Good morning!” And to reciprocate the fun, you should respond, “Good morning!”

One of my favorite occurrences over the years has taken place at our local DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles). As we all know, this is not the most fun experience on Earth. In fact, it can be downright exhausting. However, each person that walks in the door, even though they know they may have a wait time of TWO HOURS, always says, “Good afternoon!” And in response, the people already sitting in the DMV respond, “Good afternoon!” It makes me smile every time.

So, come down and visit and be sure to practice your warm Crucian greeting!

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