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Chris Hanley’s 30 Year Anniversary in the real estate business

June, 1989… That was the month and year that Chris Hanley broke into the St. Croix real estate market. He had just graduated from Bentley University in Boston, Massachusetts. “I was getting ready to purchase a suit and tie and some decent shoes, as graduation was right around the corner and it was time to start doing interviews in Boston so I could get a career started.  But then it hit me! If I got a job in Boston or some other major city, odds were I would be stuck there all winter!” So he got on the phone and called his mother Jan Hanley. Jan had partnered with the original founder of “Farchette Real Estate”, Mr. John Farchette in the early 80’s forming what became and is today, “Farchette & Hanley Real Estate” . “Hi Mom… umm… I’m thinking I might try selling real estate on St. Croix… What do you think?”  Jan giggled, and then said absolutely! Relieved and excited Chris flew back to St. Croix soon after graduation from Bentley and never looked back.  Shortly after getting started, he met the love of his life, Kerri Hanley. A few years later they were married and together have continued to build on their dual real estate careers. Today they lead the most successful team of real estate agents in the Virgin Islands. Congratulations on 30 years of success! And may there be many more to come!  HAPPY 30th!!


Jan, Chris and John popping some bubbly celebrating the beginning of Farchette & Hanley Real Estate. 3 Queen Cross St., Christiansted next to the original “Leather Loft”. 1982.


Kerri and Chris during their first date on an island tour. Creque Damn, Frederiksted, St. Croix. circa 1991.

3 Responses to “Chris Hanley’s 30 Year Anniversary in the real estate business”

  • Sue Stillman
    Written on

    Sue Stillman from the Twin Cities, Mn.
    It was a pleasure meeting you and your wife.
    I love your story and your family’s story.
    Plus your story with your wife Kerri. Of all the people we have met, this was such a pleasure, plus scored a table at Duggar’s before we leave.
    My Best,
    Sue Stillman

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