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New Frederiksted Hotel “The Fred” Makes Strides In Construction

"The Fred" boutique hotel is currently under construction in Frederiksted.
“The Fred” boutique hotel is currently under construction in Frederiksted.

Located on the Strand Street waterfront, The Fred will be a 22-room boutique hotel, one of only two in the town of Frederiksted.  The development broke ground officially on March 9 of this year, making it the first new hotel development on St. Croix in three decades.  According to Developer Christopher Swanson, “Ever since we received our permits [an elaborate, 19-month process] we’ve been plugging right along.”

The group behind this edgy, modern development is a Frederiksted-based company called Evolve USVI, LLC.  The group is also in the final stage of remodeling Liberty Hall, a 23-unit apartment building in Frederiksted, which they began work on last year.  evolve got started in Washington D.C. (evolveDC).  There, Swanson and business partner Jeff Printz (pictured below), are the property managers for The Barbara of Capitol Hill Apartments and Pierce School Lofts.

Pictured are the developers of The Fred: Christopher Swanson (left) and Jeff Printz (right).
Pictured are the developers of The Fred: Christopher Swanson (left) and Jeff Printz (right).

The Fred Development Status

Currently Open:

Opening Soon:

Areas Complete:

  • Totten House*

Nearing Completion:

  • Douglas House
  • Love Shack
  • Sky Deck

Current Construction:

  • Generator room
  • Trash room
  • Public restrooms
  • Pool

Final Phase Of Construction:

  • Printz/Swanson House (10 additional units will be added on the southeast corner of the plot)

* In June, Totten House (the signature building, pictured below) was professionally photographed with Douglas House scheduled for pictures this month.  Once the edited images are added to The Fred’s website, they can begin accepting room reservations.

Currently undergoing renovation, Totten House will be the hotel's signature building.
Currently undergoing renovation, Totten House will be the hotel’s signature building.


Facts About The Fred

  • The Fred is named for King Frederik V of Denmark, who is also the namesake of Frederiksted, the town in which the hotel is located.  St. Croix spent a period of time under Danish rule.
  • Number of rooms: 22
  • Nearby attractions: Frederiksted Pier, beaches, scuba diving, shops, restaurants, Caribbean Museum Center For The Arts (CMCA), Historic Walking Tours
  • Unique property features:
    • The Fred will be the only beachfront resort that is also located in one of St. Croix’s two towns.  
    • The resort will include a private dock and boardwalk.
    • The Fred will be powered by two state-of-the-art micro turbines, which will allow the entire facility to operate off-the-grid (independent of WAPA), making it the first eco-friendly hotel on St. Croix.
    • Developers Swanson and Printz hope The Fred will become the first Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) hotel on-island and potentially the greater Caribbean.  This certification is evaluated in part by water conservation techniques and use of green building materials.
  • Groundbreaking date: March 9, 2017
  • Official hotel opening date: December 1, 2017

Ready to Sleep with Fred then stay forever?  Once you’ve made several extended visits to St. Croix, you may find it hard to leave.  When you’re ready to purchase property in the U.S. Virgin Islands, contact Chris and Kerri Hanley, the authorities on island real estate. Start by downloading their complimentary St. Croix Event Guide to find the perfect time for a long vacation:

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