For the many beach-goers who enjoy treasure hunting, St. Croix has a seemingly endless supply. From beautiful shells to chaney (pieces of china plates from yesteryear), there’s always something unique to find on our gorgeous, sandy shores.
A favorite find is sea glass in a variety of colors. Usually starting from broken bottles and made smooth by the waves and sand, pieces of various sizes and shapes can be found on almost any St. Croix beach. The easiest beaches on which to find sea glass can be found on the island’s west end and on less developed beaches like Shoys on the north shore.
A popular use for sea glass is for jewelry-making. It can be commonly found in earrings and bracelets in local stores. Local children sometimes search the shores for larger pieces of sea glass and chaney to sell to jewelry-makers. Sea glass hunting is a fun activity for children living on or visiting St. Croix to feel like a pirate hunting buried treasure!
Another common use for sea glass is home décor. While some island residents just keep their collection in a decorative jar or vase, others use it to cover small tabletops in creative designs. Colors of sea glass include brown, blue and green in all different shades. Some rare colors also exist.
Ready to treasure hunt on the shores of sunny St. Croix? Join us in America’s paradise. Contact Chris and Kerri Hanley for locally-specific real estate advice. As the top broker on-island year after year, Chris is the authority on Virgin Islands real estate. Start by downloading their St. Croix Event Guide to find the perfect time for an extended visit (and festivals at which you will find many sea glass jewelry vendors):