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  • St. Croix’s We Deh Yah Cultural Dancers Perform in Denmark for 100th Anniversary of Danish West Indian Society

St. Croix’s We Deh Yah Cultural Dancers Perform in Denmark for 100th Anniversary of Danish West Indian Society

Pictured are members of the We Deh Yah Cultural Dancers at Odd Fellows Mansion in Copenhagen, Denmark.  Left to right: Lornette Newton; Promotions Manager Michael Armendariz; Vice President, Felicia Neale; Gloria Payne; President Ernest Morris, Jr.; and Gloryvee Krieger. 

The We Deh Yah Cultural Dancers of St. Croix took an exciting trip to Denmark last month.  The purpose of the trip was to commemorate the 100-year anniversary of the Danish West Indian Society (Dansk Vetindisk Selskab).  21 group members made the 11-day trip, which started with a layover in Oslo, Norway.  Several group members also traveled to Sweden and Germany in their free time.

The group’s first performance took place in Frederiksburg Gardens.

Secondly, a dance exchange in Roskilde was a particularly special performance, as it was done in collaboration with a Danish dance group.  According to We Deh Yah Promotions Manager Michael Armendariz, “We danced to their music and dance, then we performed [in a traditional, Caribbean style], and then they danced ours… then we ended with us all joining in together.”  In Roskilde, the We Deh Yah troupe performed with Original Danish Polcalypso Orchestra.  Two weeks afterward, the musical group came to St. Croix for several performances.

The trip culminated with a gala performance at Odd Fellows Mansion in Copenhagen.  Approximately 300 people attend to commemorate the Virgin Islands transfer centennial from Denmark to the U.S.

“The people were very friendly, and were so interested and enthusiastic about our performances,” said Armendariz. “We were so well received… it was amazing.”

St. Croix is truly a special island, rich with culture intertwined from the seven flags which have flown over the territory.  When you’re ready to call it home, contact Real Estate Agents Chris and Kerri Hanley to work with the experts in Virgin Islands Real Estate.  After choosing a home, We Deh Yah Promotions Manager Michael Armendariz  of Capital Mortgage Services can act as your mortgage broker.  Contact Farchette & Hanley Real Estate today, plus download their free St. Croix Event Guide to find an ideal time for an extended stay:

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