St. Croix Animal Welfare Center’s Wing King event yesterday was a delicious success! There was a great turnout at Ziggy’s Gas Station on the East End of St. Croix.
Both people and their pets were in attendance. The live DJ made for some dancing fun and boy was there some great food to eat – people food and doggy food was for sale. The event raised over $2,900 for St. Croix’s furry legged friends! Fun in the sun was had by all and we think it will be an even bigger event next year!
The winners for the Wing Contest – Hot Wing Category: Jeremiah Harper; Creative Category: Jody Starr and Caribbean Category: Greg Worrell II. The People’s Choice Award went to April Little. Congratulations!
We hope you enjoyed Father’s Day and this fantastic event as much as we did! We hope to see you next year!

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