Mid Island Real Estate

The Mid Island area consists of the southern portions of Queen and Company Quarters (QU & CO) as well as the residential areas of King and Prince Quarters (KI & PR) — This area starts directly west of the East End, surrounding Christiansted on all sides, and also spans to the south shores of the island, with the central section home to more commercial facilities such as Juan F. Luis Hospital and Cardiac Center, Sunny Isle Shopping Center, Home Depot, Sion Farm Shopping Center, and Good Hope Country Day School. The Melvin Evans Highway starts at the Sunny Isle intersection and continues west to Frederiksted. There are also some industrial areas along the south shore of this area, including an oil refinery and storage terminal, The Wilfred Allick Container Port, the Diageo Rum Production Facility, Henry E. Rohlsen Airport, Flamboyant Horse Race Track, and the EDC Industrial Park. The landscape in the residential area of mid island becomes lusher and more “forest like” as compared to the East End the topography is a mix of flat and moderate hills.